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Project in Numbers
Duration: 56 month
Start date: 01.03.2018
End Date: 30.11.2022
Partner N.: 5
Project progress :
Total Budget: 3.014.954 €
ERDF Contribution of which: 2.562.710 €
Project summary
SIMIT THARSY addresses issues related to the joint management of emergencies caused by potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes
The project contributes to strengthening the data collection network and risk assessment systems for the population and buildings in the event of disasters that could occur in the areas affected by the Ibleo-Maltese fault
Furthermore, the project develops specific guidelines for the municipalities of the two territories in order to guarantee the rapid intervention in case of natural disasters along the cross-border area
Expected Results:
2,500 sq. Km area where the joint Sicilian-Maltese civil protection system is strengthened
Activities and Objectives
The project contributes in trying to give a solution to in the event of disasters that could occur in the areas affected by the Ibleo-Maltese fault
Project activities will realize:
1 WebGis platform
1 Monitoring Network covering 50,000 sq. Kms
1 Alert system covering 10 sq. Kms
1 Mobile column of aid including: search and rescue equipment, logistical equipment, towable trailers, person transport vans and SUV
20 sq. Kms area where is possible to elaborate risk scenarios
COVID-Oriented Actions
The coronavirus pandemic adds a new level of challenges and risks and community leaders need to plan, in a structured way, how to deal with worst-case scenarios.
Through additional activities "COVID oriented" Simit-Tharsy project aims to address a pandemic and, simultaneously, a natural disaster in a cross-border area with the consequent need to propose procedures and guidelines to become truly resilient when facing multiple catastrophes at the same time.
Main objectives to be achieved:
a) test the civil protection exercise in a pandemic environment
b) create a permanent virtual laboratory on a web platform serving the Cross-border Civil Protection System for complex processing and big-data synthesis. The management of the virtual platform will be organized within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding between the three Universities that will define the terms of the collaboration, guaranteeing the continuity and operation of the system in the years to come.
With reference to point a), activities will focus on the need to deal with an emergency and post-emergency during a corona virus pandemic.
With reference to point b) the laboratory will ensure the continuity of all operations that provide for the integration, sharing and discussion of the data collected by the different research groups headed by the three universities involved (Malta, Palermo, Catania). A laboratory capable of working also in presence of total or partial lockdown, due to the pandemic or any similar future circumstances. Laboratory basic functions are a cloud for data storage; a computing cloud; a platform for the management of videoconferences and video-lessons; a virtual platform for smart working; a platform for the management of interconnection of each node.
Outputs of main “COVID-oriented” activities are:
The updating of emergency procedures and emergency plans in a pandemic environment in the cross-border area (target 20 Sq. m.)
3 network nodes, one per each university involved in the project
1 Memorandum of understanding signed by Palermo, Catania e Malta Universities
Guidelines for the efficient use of a virtual laboratory
Guidelines for the creation of a well-organized and efficient virtual laboratory that would allow managing research and working activities in emergency and or lockdown conditions
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner:
Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile
Project Partners:
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali
Università degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali
Civil Protection Department
University of Malta Faculty of Science/ Department of Geosciences
Project Documents
Scheda SIMIT_EN_
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