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- I.T.A.M.A.
Project in Numbers
Duration: 46 months
Start Date: 01.06.2018
End Date 31.03.2022
Partner N.: 4
Project progress:
Total Budget: 2.294.623 €
of which ERDF Contribution: 1.950.430 €
Project summary
I.T.A.M.A. addresses the problem of the diagnostic delay of autoimmune diseases with specific attention to celiac disease
The project develops innovative ICT tools for health services able to anticipate the times and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of celiac disease; avoid invasive examinations, especially in paediatric age; reduce the costs of the disease generated by the delay of the diagnosis
Expected Results:
2 Healthcare enterprises that adopt the innovative tools developed in the project
Activities and Objectives
Project objective is to anticipate diagnosis times by optimizing the diagnostic path
Project activities will realize:
2 Enterprises that use the database of metadata for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
22000 Children in paediatric age undergo screening for celiac disease
2 Enterprises that use dedicated biomedical software and innovative systems to support the diagnosis of celiac disease
5 Enterprises using technology transfer services
COVID-Oriented Action
To deal with the COVID-19 emergency, several European countries, including Italy and Malta, have prepared a population-screening plan using serological tests and anamnestic questionnaires, the data of which will be shared online in an open and anonymized manner.
In this new emergency context, the ITAMA project decided to take actions against the COVID-19 pandemic aiming to develop further outputs:
A Web App, online and accessible from mobile, tablet and PC and that will contain a series of questions to understand if students have symptoms that could indicate the presence of COVID-19. Based on a series of symptoms and signs, agreed with doctors and pathologists, the app will give indications on the opportunity to introduce students at school.
An e-learning platform will have educational content regarding the symptoms that may indicate the presence of the virus, indications on social distance, useful rules for protection with the use of masks and other protective clothing, useful rules for one's own hygiene.
All this can be communicated directly via email to schools and parents using the project's contact database and in general making use of the social media and the ITAMA website.
The ITAMA project is also in the best conditions to analyze public data online with the methodologies of IA, adapting its DSS and enhancing it with territorial and geographical information to process information and draw up scientific/epidemiological studies. These studies can be used for the purpose of prevention in the area and optimization of medical resources in local health structures.
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica
Project Partners
Università degli Studi di Messina - "Dip. di Patologia umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Minister of Health, Malta Health Department
AcrossLimits Ltd
Project Documents
Scheda ITAMA_EN_
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