The extract of the Public Notice for the selection of no. 5 expert specialists for the establishment of the Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG VI-A Italia-Malta Cooperation Programme has been published in the Official Gazette of the Sicilian Region – Serie Speciale Concorsi no. 3 of 23/02/2024.
The application for participation together with the curriculum vitae, duly signed, and a copy of the valid identity document, must be sent, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 14 March 2024 by PEC to the following address The subject of the PEC must bear the following wording: “AVVISO PUBBLICO PER LA SELEZIONE DI N. 5 ESPERTI SPECIALISTI PER L’ISTITUZIONE DEL SEGRETARIATO CONGIUNTO DEL PROGRAMMA ITALIA-MALTA VI–A”” – NAME AND SURNAME OF THE CANDIDATE – n. ___ e n. ____ (indicate the numbers of the professional profiles chosen – maximum two).
INTERREG VI-A Italia-Malta – Public Notice for the selection of the Joint Secretariat
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